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This module will expose us, students, to theories of thinking and problem solving and develop their critical and creative thinking abilities via a range of activities that simulate real-world settings. This module also encourages students to broaden our ideas and thought processes and techniques related to critical and creative thinking strategies


Module Led by Mr. Paul and Ms. Dee




COMPLETED by 8/5/2020



The Brief

The situation is problematic. Circumstances are such that our movements are restricted due to environmental hazards. This situation has forced many to stay indoors and to communicate through long distances, using available and appropriate online methods. However, your friend’s birthday is coming soon, and you need to create a gift for him or her. The gift must be ‘created or designed’ as you already know so that it holds much better value and it should be a surprise!



1. To train students in the ideation process using the concept of deductive reasoning and questioning.

2. To explore various idea presentation techniques and application of mediums

3. To introduce the importance of recording and evaluating ideas


PDF Link:



This is my first assignment for the module CCTS. As fun as it sounds, during my first week after we had the brief, I was struggled with what kind of present I can bring to my friend which is something that has to be creative that required extreme critical thinking.


After watching the recorded lecture videos a few amounts of times, I finally grasped what's needed to be done so I started my work. First, I tried to lure my conversation with my friend into asking what's his favorites, dislikes, and all sorts but unfortunately, it wasn't much I can list so this ends up making me hard to think what present that he desires.


Before working on the ideation part, I took quite a lot of time recalling what we both did over the years together and problems and wishes that he talked to me about and with that, I managed to list out quite a lot of things he wishes to achieve so I started doing my Ideation part.


I ended up with the Productive Activity Selector idea where I merged two "random selectors" into one. To make things interestingly fun while being able to solve his problems at the same time. At first, he was confused as to how does it work and why, but after I explained the instructions, he seems to love it and would like to keep using in the future.



I felt that this assignment helped me enhance my thinking skills. By constantly thinking of a gift to help him overcome his current problem, I learned how to improve an idea and give multiple variations to it thus enhances my critical and creative thinking.


Household Waste Management Awareness Programme

To promote awareness and provide guidelines for individuals and families on the importance of household waste management.



Assuming your roles as appointed consultants/experts for an organization or a body, in a group of five (5) or six (6), you are required to develop an action plan and to present a report in response to your ASSIGNED TOPIC. The outcome shall present the critical and creative strategies and approach on how to reach out to your target audience(s) via available online platforms.


1. To create awareness on the current pressing issues that require creative and critical solutions.

2. To develop an understanding on the importance of teamwork and working collectively in solving issues/problems.

3. To explore and apply various idea presentation techniques, tools and application of different online platforms.


From this assignment, Throughout the assignment, I learnt that teamwork was really important in order to get the work done. We had to learn how to work together while managing our time for our assignments as well.


Toy Design : Play and The Act of Play

You are working with a non-governmental organization (NGO) to assist a community located in a rural and remote area. As a designer, you are assigned to the children's and youth's group to design a toy or an object of play.
Body parts and movements are synonymous with toys as they are the enablers for the play or the act of play to take place. You will be assigned A BODY PART as your main focus in designing the toy.



1. To train students in the ideation process using the concept of deductive reasoning and questioning in building up the narratives and justification of ideas.
2. To execute ideation into building the prototype of the design and demonstration of its application.
3. To explore and develop ideas from various sources, materials and techniques.



At the beginning of the assignment, I felt screwed because I was assigned to make a toy on the body part of the neck and shoulders which there are 0 toys that I can take example of.


And because of that, I started to walk around my house to find what materials I can use, and maybe with that, I can start come up with ideas of my own. But then it still doesn't work, so I tried to bend my sight of things and try to attach everything on the neck and shoulders whether it would be little toys, accessories, necessities, or something that is enormous and undoable and that is where my idea of making a car out of a box came from.


Luckily all the materials that I've found are sufficient to make the toy that I was intended to do. 


At the slides, I started off the assignment with the thinking process, I listed out the definition of a play, the definition of a toy, the movements and limitations, and the requirements of the toy and the ideation.


After making my mockup, my tutor Ms. Dee said it was a good idea but the toy needed more modifications in order to make a box look like a car. So I proceed and accord what Ms. Dee has to say with my toy. After all the finishing touch with the prototype, I then recorded the video and made a poster of the toy for the submission




From this assignment, I learned to think out of the box by trying out different things and adding special features and repurpose the function of the toy. And by that, it felt my thinking skills have gradually improved and it'll be useful when I faced similar situations.


"Whatever good things we build end up building us"

2021 Architecture E-Portfolio

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